Sunday, May 24, 2015

Accidentally got to Sydney ...

Preparing for a trip to a never planned place...

Accidentally? .... Yes, I never have any desire to do a trip to Australia, especially Sydney, but finally got around to Sydney .... and I'm not complaining at all ^^ It's all start when my relatives and friends complain about my-too-often-trips to Japan..., then I decided I'm not going to Japan this year (valid only for year 2015 thought ...).

Well ...because I really do not know where to go, I open a website for flight, and decided to buy a flight ticket, to any place in this world, which on promotion and cheap .... hahaha ... aaaaand the first promotion ticket I found was to Sydney! Ridiculous right? ... lol

Sydney Opera House

Saturday, December 27, 2014

No elephants in the Elephant Museum ...

National Museum is different from Monas... do you know?

Many people wrongly think National Museum as Monas. I'm one of them * admit* .... Monas is National Monument. Although both places adjacent, but clearly different.
National Museum of Indonesia

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dorokyo, beautiful secluded gorge in the deep of Japan

Dorokyo, meet the clear emerald water in the middle of scenic gorge...

Travelling from Shingu to Hongu down Kumanogawa (Kumano river), where along the way will be presented incredible scenery, Kumanogawa with clear water, winding penetrating green lush hills. Each curve presents a surprise breathtaking sight.

Scenery along the way to Dorokyo

And will be great if in the middle of the trip stopped by on Shiko for a jet boat ride, go deeper into the middle of beautiful Kitagawa, a tributary of Kumanogawa, to a place called Dorokyo (Doro Gorge)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Kumano Hongu Taisha (Kumano Sanzan Part 3)

Hongu Taisha, a majestic temple in the rugged mountains

Kumano Hongu Taisha
Hongu Taisha is the last shrine of Kumano Sanzan, the ultimate goal of Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, head shrine of approximately 3000 Shinto shrine spread throughout Japan.

Torii entrance to Hongu Taisha ground

Friday, December 19, 2014

Kumano Hatayama Taisha (Kumano Sanzan part 2)

Hatayama Taisha, grand shrine in Shungu town

Kumano Hatayama Taisha
Hatayama Taisha is the second temple of Kumano Sanzan, and most easily achieved between those 3 temples, because it is located in the city of Shingu, just on the edge of the street, stairs, forest.

Kumano Hatayama Taisha main entrance 
Typical bright red color of Shinto shrine welcoming from the entrance to the temple main building. Despite its location on the street side, but once stepping into the temple area, the atmosphere change become quiet, sacred, peaceful ....

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Kumano Nachi Taisha (Kumano sanzan part.1)

Kumano Nachi Taisha, when religious blend with natural beauty...

Three storied Pagoda with Nachi no Otaki on the background
Have you ever seen a photograph or postcard of a beautiful pagoda with a waterfall behind it? The place is located in Nachi-san, this place not only beautiful landscape, but also has deep religious and historical significance.

Kumano Nachi Taisha (Shrine)
Kumano Nachi Taisha is the first temple of Kumano Sanzan (3 Kumano grand shrine), located in the Kii-Katsuura area, Wakayama prefecture.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kumano Kodo & Kumano Sanzan

A journey to the place where the Gods have lived...

For tourists in general, the ultimate destination when visiting Japan are Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto. But because I was an eccentric tourist, since long ago I have desire to take the unpopular path of Kumano Kodo.

Kumano Kodo path
Kumano Kodo is a series of famous ancient pilgrimage route in Japan, even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage with the name Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.

Kumano Kodo stone path

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Toko Merah (Red Shop), not even a shop....

Toko Merah (Red Shop), relics of colonial architecture in Jakarta

Toko Merah (Red Shop), located at Jl. Kali Besar Barat 11, Kota Tua, West Jakarta

Red Shop, considering the name, automatically we hope to buy something in this place. But it turns out Red Shop is not even a shop ... wkwkwk 

Toko Merah (Red Shop)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Candra Naya : Traces of Chinese history in the capital city Jakarta

Batavia history witnesses, hidden by the jungle of Jakarta's hi-rise buildings...

When invited to visit Candra Naya, I spontaneous ask, what is it? Where is it? And the answer "A historic building on Gajah Mada street" instead makes clear, has raised more questions ... What? There is a historic building at Gajah Mada street? The hell? Where? I have been crossed Gajah Mada street many times, but never seen any historic building named Candra Naya.... And I believe I'm not the only one who doesn't know ^^

Candra Naya located in the middle of Novotel Hotel, Jl.Gajah Mada 188, Jakarta 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Autumn is coming to Minoh

Morning walk - Early autumn at Minoh park

That morning, Umeda station had been busy and crowded already... wanted to briefly leave the bustle of Osaka. Let's go to Minno, ride Takarazuka line subway only about 30 minutes from Osaka. Minoh park is famous for its "koyo" (autumn foliage), located not far from Minoo station. 

Minoh Park, Osaka