Sunday, November 30, 2014

Toko Merah (Red Shop), not even a shop....

Toko Merah (Red Shop), relics of colonial architecture in Jakarta

Toko Merah (Red Shop), located at Jl. Kali Besar Barat 11, Kota Tua, West Jakarta

Red Shop, considering the name, automatically we hope to buy something in this place. But it turns out Red Shop is not even a shop ... wkwkwk 

Toko Merah (Red Shop)

Historically, the building, which was built in 1730, has changed its function and ownership many times. During Dutch colonial era, it served as a place to stay a couple of Batavia's Governor-General. Also used to become a Navy Academy (Dutch Academie de Marine). Had also become the hotel, and even into the office bank (Bank voor Indië), and once belonged to the Chinese family, which used it for a store and red paint this building ..... hence the name Red Store derived.

Remaining of banking facilities at Toko Merah main hall

Currently Red Store, which located in the Old City area, preserved as one of heritage buildings in Jakarta, has been restored and serves as a conference hall / gallery, also often rented for civil receptions.

Toko Merah, part of DKI Jakarta cultural reservation building 

Compared to other old buildings in this area, Red Store building is one of the most well preserved condition, with spacious rooms and typically colonial architecture high ceiling, gives the impression of luxury, plus the interior is dominated by beautiful wood color.

Toko Merah elegance interior

Hopefully more Batavia's historical building gets attention and treated well like Red Store.

XJC (Xplore Jakarta City), young generation who care about the culture and history of Jakarta

What a wonderful world...

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