Sunday, May 24, 2015

Accidentally got to Sydney ...

Preparing for a trip to a never planned place...

Accidentally? .... Yes, I never have any desire to do a trip to Australia, especially Sydney, but finally got around to Sydney .... and I'm not complaining at all ^^ It's all start when my relatives and friends complain about my-too-often-trips to Japan..., then I decided I'm not going to Japan this year (valid only for year 2015 thought ...).

Well ...because I really do not know where to go, I open a website for flight, and decided to buy a flight ticket, to any place in this world, which on promotion and cheap .... hahaha ... aaaaand the first promotion ticket I found was to Sydney! Ridiculous right? ... lol

Sydney Opera House

After the ticket purchased, a lot of questions arise ... What to do in Sydney? Where to go? What to look at? What to ride? Where to stay? Moreover, it's a solo traveling! *panic attack* Then I make a date with uncle google on daily basis, searching for various webs, blogs, anything about Sydney. Fortunately the ticket date still quite long ...

Sydney skyline
After a lot of effort, finally finished an itinerary which hopefully works... the best I can do... In the middle of confusedly preparation for Sydney trip, there is an article that is very reassuring, unfortunately I forgot to bookmarked that article, but the point was a review about the world's most secure town for a solo traveler girl..... and Sydney occupies a high position as a friendly city for traveler.
Anzac Monumen, Sydney
In short, departure day arrived ... after a long flight, finally arrived in SydneyAccording to itinerary, the first day, which effectively only half a day, was spent to explore Sydney's CBD, Hyde Park with many historical buildings around, went to the Royal Botanic Garden, and Mrs. Macquairy's chair to wait for sunset, when the sun falls just behind the icon of Australia, the Sydney Opera House.
Sunset over Sydney Opera House
After satisfied take a lot of snaps until the sun disappeared, my stomach calling out for attention... sauntering along the shore of the sea, came to the center of Sydney's night hype, Circular Quay, a place for dinner with the background of the iconic opera house. Later on because of my motto was as long as legs still able to walk, then go home is forbidden...., then continued traveling along the old town area of Sydney, the exotic The Rock.

St. Mary Cathedral, Sydney
And that day I got an unexpected surprise, in the view of my naked eye, turns out that majority of Sydney's population was Asian! regret finally I accidentally 'stray' to Sydney ... beautiful city, clean, tidy, with friendly locals. ...

What a wonderful world...

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