Friday, December 19, 2014

Kumano Hatayama Taisha (Kumano Sanzan part 2)

Hatayama Taisha, grand shrine in Shungu town

Kumano Hatayama Taisha
Hatayama Taisha is the second temple of Kumano Sanzan, and most easily achieved between those 3 temples, because it is located in the city of Shingu, just on the edge of the street, stairs, forest.

Kumano Hatayama Taisha main entrance 
Typical bright red color of Shinto shrine welcoming from the entrance to the temple main building. Despite its location on the street side, but once stepping into the temple area, the atmosphere change become quiet, sacred, peaceful ....

A view of Kumano Hatayama Grand Shrine

Is this trip that easy? .... hmmmm
Apparently there is another part of this temple... Shinto myth believed that Gods down to earth on a large rock not far from Hatayama Taisha. This giant rock called Gotobiki-iwa, located on the slopes of Gongen mountain. And under this giant rock they built a small temple, Kamikura-jinja.

So .... let's go there!

Walking path from Hatayama Taisha to Kamikura Jinja past dozens of other smaller temples. Not too far away, only about 1km, and relatively easy .....until reach foothill where Kamikura Jinja is ...

Little bridge to Kamikura Jinja
Setelah melewati jembatan kecil, barulah perjalanan sebenarnya dimulai^^ Lagi-lagi deretan tangga yang tak kelihatan ujungnya menyambut di depan mata... Bukan hanya tinggi, tapi kali ini tangganya dari batu alam, dengan bentuk tak beraturan, sepanjang lereng bukit yang cukup terjal dan tinggi!
After passing a small bridge, then the actual journey begins^^ Once again a row of invisible ending stone staircase welcoming right in front of me... it's very high, and this time the ladder are from natural stone, with irregular shape, running along a fairly steep hillside and (once again) very high!

Never ending rough stone steps up to the hill 
It such a relief when finally reaches the Torii gate and a row of bright red wooden fence at the end of the climb ...

Entering Kamikura Jinja ground
This exhausting tracking well paid off when reaches Gotobiki-iwa and Kamikura Jinja below. Gotobiki-iwa is a very large stone monolith, jutting out of the hillside. In this stone is believed the Shinto gods dwell.

Gotobiki-iwa and Kamikura Jinja
Climb a little longer to Kamikura Jinja, and get an incredible reward.... the view towards Shingu city to the open sea in the distance ...

What a wonderful world...

View to Shingu city from Kamikura Jinja

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