Saturday, November 29, 2014

Candra Naya : Traces of Chinese history in the capital city Jakarta

Batavia history witnesses, hidden by the jungle of Jakarta's hi-rise buildings...

When invited to visit Candra Naya, I spontaneous ask, what is it? Where is it? And the answer "A historic building on Gajah Mada street" instead makes clear, has raised more questions ... What? There is a historic building at Gajah Mada street? The hell? Where? I have been crossed Gajah Mada street many times, but never seen any historic building named Candra Naya.... And I believe I'm not the only one who doesn't know ^^

Candra Naya located in the middle of Novotel Hotel, Jl.Gajah Mada 188, Jakarta 

Turns out that the location is in the middle of Hotel Novotel, very unique, a historic building that still well reserved, surrounded by modern buildings towering in front-rear-right-left-even under and over it! For a short time I feel sad to see this beautiful building to be hidden like this, but also grateful that those modern buildings still leaves a bit of space for the existence of Candra Naya, ... hoping someday this city will appreciate its own history, and provide adequate space for Candra Naya .

Candra Naya main building

From the poster mounted on the front porch of Candra Naya, the building turned out to be the forerunner of the birth of several important institutions in Jakarta nowadays, including Sumber Waras Hospital, Tarumanagara University, and the oldest photographic club in Jakarta (Candra Naya Photographic Society) ..!

Black and gold Chinese style ornament in Candra Naya

Generally, the condition of Candra Naya building was fairly well maintained and clean. Typical Chinese ornaments dominate every corner of Candra Naya. The front porch was a nice blend of Chinese and Betawi style, and main entrance decorated with ornaments and Chinese characters in bright gold.

Candra Naya main door decoration

Left and right side rooms also well maintained. The walls adorned with various shades of Chinese artwork. While on the back area there is a small garden with a nice and beautiful pond. Looks like this building has been restored here and there, many elements of modern buildings used, while trying to retain its Chinese-style touch.

Candra Naya left and right building

Part of Candra Naya art collection

Originally Candra Naya was residence of a Chinese major descent in the Dutch colonialism era, named Khouw Kim An. It is not known for sure what year Candra Naya was built, but estimated to be around 1800's. Furthermore this building changed into office Sing Ming Hui Association which later changed its name to Social Society of Candra Naya.

Candra Naya center yard

Kind of relieve that Candra Naya has been listed as heritage building in Jakarta. When you're in this town, please take a little time to visit. Hopefully more and more young people had the opportunity to see this place, and get to know the city of Jakarta history.

XJC (Xplore Jakarta City), young generation who care about the culture and history of Jakarta

What a wonderful world...

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