Sunday, November 23, 2014

Autumn is coming to Minoh

Morning walk - Early autumn at Minoh park

That morning, Umeda station had been busy and crowded already... wanted to briefly leave the bustle of Osaka. Let's go to Minno, ride Takarazuka line subway only about 30 minutes from Osaka. Minoh park is famous for its "koyo" (autumn foliage), located not far from Minoo station. 

Minoh Park, Osaka

Minoh park is a park with the atmosphere of a natural forest, which is suitable for light tracking or jogging in the morning.

Early autumn colour at Minoh Park

With so many momiji (maple) trees planted in every corner of Minoh park, up to the surrounding hills, then Minoh park became a popular destination when autumn comes. Foliage color changes from green to yellow, orange, red, and brown is very interesting.

Tracking along Minoh river

Autumn has not reached its peak yet in Minoh, but the scenery is enough to make the trip did not go smoothly, because every few steps there are irresistible temptation to stop, just enjoy the view or capture it in a photograph.

Enjoying autumn...

After tracking for about 2.6 km from Minoh park entrance, then came to Minoh waterfall, main attraction of this place. A waterfall from a rock cliff, framed by thick momiji (maple) foliage. This autumn scenery was breath-taking...

Minoh Waterfall

This tracking path following the flow of Minoh waterfall into a small streams decorated with rocks, creating the sound of gurgling water, combined wind rustling among momiji leaves... a song of nature that can't be downloaded from i-tunes ^^

Koyo, autumn colour

Along the way we can momentarily stopped by at Ryuanji Temple, Insect Museum, or some Tea house.

Ryuanji Temple

Don't forget to try a typical snack of Minoo, momiji tempura, a tempura made from momiji leaves, sold by many residents around Minoh park.

Old lady selling Momiji tempura

What a wonderfull world....

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