Sunday, October 19, 2014

A memory of Bassano del Grappa

A piece of memory about pretty little heaven named Bassano del Grappa....

Bassano del Grappa

While Jakarta-hot-like-hell, the best thing to do is drinking a cold ice lemon tea, while opening an old albums and recall memories of the first time feel the chill of snow in a small town in Vicenza Province, Northern Italy. This trip, around 8 years ago, became unforgettable memories for me^^

Snowy hills outside Bassano del Grappa

As the name implies, the town of Bassano del Grappa is a wine producer (Grappa = grape = wine), all the way to Bassano past the rows of vineyards. And the town city center stretch along the Brenta River, filled with classical buildings.

Brenta River - Bassano del Grappa

A beautiful wooden bridge crossing the Brenta river, called Ponte Degli Alpini, is the symbol of Bassano del Grappa. History said this bridge has existed since 1209, several times destroyed by the war, but was rebuilt.

Ponte Degli Alpini, symbol of the town

As a country that is predominantly Catholic, along the street and in every corner of the city we can found a church, started the super magnificent Cathedral, as well as small Anglican churches.

The Cathedral of Bassano del Grappa

It seemed that at every block there is at least one church. Some churches are very old fashioned buildings, such as the Roman-Gothic Church of San Francesco from 12th century, San Donato and San Giovanni Battista Churches of the 13th century, and Trinity and Angel Churches of the 18th century. Unforgettable experience, spent the whole Sunday morning for "Tour the churches" and attend a Sunday mass in one of this beautiful church.

Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista - Unforgetable moment, a Sunday mass at this church

Little yet very pretty church at small alley of Bassano del Grappa

Town Square of Bassano del grapa consist of 3 plazas (Piazzotto Montevecchio, Piazza Libertà and Piazza Garibaldi) that are interconnected to one another, and served as center of population activity, especially in the evenings.

Saturday night at Piazza Garibaldi

As expected from Italy, land of finest world class art ....every corner of the city, buildings and streets featuring incredible artwork ... beautiful, detailed, refined art.

What a wonderful world...

A piece of memory when I'm much more younger & slimmer^^

Intermezo :
Impression of Sunday Mass at Italian church :
-  One, don't understand the language (of course! ....), along the mass using Latin languages... just a little familiar during some of the songs...
-  Two, other people staring at me, a weird stranger... because my look definitely not an Italian, and because I'm the youngest person among the others. Apparently in Italy only old people attending Sunday mass O_O
-  Three, the church really-really beautiful, makes my jaw dropped.... full of finest carvings and paintings, even up to the ceiling! Amazing!

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